5.6. Chapter Review
Note that the course policy is that you should not use generative AI without authorization. If you are suspected to have used generative AI and not able to explain/reproduce your work when requested, all your related assignments throughout the semester will be regraded as 0.
Prepare this assignment using a Word document.
Number and write answers under each question.
Paste code screenshots when required.
You are encourage to keep your test code in the project. To do that:
Create a dotnet console app project (Create a C# Project), if you have not done that, in your USERNAME/workspace/introcscs directory; called it Ch05ForLoop.
Place your test code in methods to be called from the Main method. Name your methods properly.
When you have nested
loops, and you reach the bottom of the body of the inner loop, where does execution go next?What happens when you omit the condition in a
loop?Explain and try it out in csharprepl or VS Code and paste the results here.
In the heading of a
loop, how do you initialize or update several variables?Rewrite
num /= 2;
equivalently without the operand
bigName = bigName - 10;
with a statement that only includes
once.Distinguish the effects of these two statements:
x-=2; x=-2;
What is printed?
Console.WriteLine("12345678"); for( int p = 1; p < 6; p++) { string formatStr = "{0:F" + p + "}"; Console.WriteLine(formatStr, 1.2345678); }
Explain, then paste here the screenshot of the results of you testing it in csharprepl or VS Code.
What is printed? (Just “,4” has been inserted.)
Console.WriteLine("12345678"); for( int p = 1; p < 6; p++) { string formatStr = "{0,4:F" + p + "}"; Console.WriteLine(formatStr, 1.2345678); }
Explain, then paste here the screenshot of the results of you testing it in csharprepl or VS Code.
What is printed?
Console.WriteLine("123456"); for( int w = 6; w >= -6; w -= 4) { string formatStr = "{0," + w + "}|"; Console.WriteLine(formatStr, "here"); }
Explain, then paste here the screenshot of the results of you testing it in csharprepl or VS Code.
Even if you want to process every element of a sequence, what would keep you from using a