Lecture Notes IST-1551
06 Dec 2024
1. Introduction
2. Data and Variables
2.1. Data Types
2.2. Variables
2.3. Operators
2.4. Arithmetic
2.5. Strings
2.6. Input and Output
2.7. Lab 02
2.8. Chapter Review
3. Methods/Functions
4. Selection/Conditional
5. Iteration:
6. Iteration: While Loops
7. Files & Paths
8. Arrays
9. Collections
10. Classes
11. Object-Oriented Programming
12. Data Structure
13. Selected Topics
14. Appendix
Lecture Notes IST-1551
Data and Variables
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Data and Variables
2.1. Data Types
2.1.1. Common Data Types in C#
2.1.2. C# Built-in Types System
2.1.3. Type Conversion
2.2. Variables
2.2.1. Declaring Local Variables
2.2.2. The
2.2.3. Assignment Statements
2.2.4. Variable, Identifiers, and Literals
2.2.5. Naming Convention of Identifiers
2.2.6. Keywords
2.3. Operators
2.3.1. Arithmetic Operators
2.3.2. Comparison Operators
2.3.3. Logical Operators
2.3.4. Assignment Operators
2.4. Arithmetic
2.4.1. The C# REPL (
2.4.2. Addition, Subtraction, and Multiplication
2.4.3. Division
2.4.4. Remainders
2.4.5. Exercise
2.5. Strings
2.5.1. Creating a String
2.5.2. String Concatenation
2.5.3. Escape Special Characters
2.5.4. String Properties and Methods
2.6. Input and Output
2.6.1. Input: Reading from the Keyboard
2.6.2. User Input: The UI class
2.6.3. Casting (Type Conversion) in Input
2.6.4. Console.WriteLine()
2.6.5. Composite formatting
2.6.6. String Interpolation
2.6.7. Writing to the Console
2.7. Lab 02
2.7.1. Variable Reassignment
2.7.2. Implement an Algorithm
2.7.3. User Input
2.7.4. Format Reading Exercise
2.7.5. Exercise for Format
2.7.6. Madlib Exercise
2.8. Chapter Review