5.1. Iteration

Iteration, or looping, is one of the three basic constructs in computer programming (see Programming Constructs). The basic purpose of iteration is code repetition, which humans usually find difficult but comes very easy for computers. After starting, the repetitive execution of a block of code or a set of instructions/statements will not stop until certain criterion is met. The termination of iteration can be either count-controlled (for loops) or condition-controlled (while loops). In general, when you know exactly how many times you are going to loop through a block of code, you use the for loop; otherwise, you would choose a while loop.

The need for code repetition can be seen from the following code:

 1using System;
 2namespace IntroCSCS
 4    internal class Chapter05
 5    {
 6        static void Main(string[] args)
 7        {
 8            Console.Write("1 ");
 9            Console.Write("2 ");
10            Console.Write("3 ");
11            Console.Write("4 ");
12            Console.Write("5 ");
13            Console.Write("6 ");
14            Console.Write("7 ");
15            Console.Write("8 ");
16            Console.Write("9 ");
17            Console.Write("10 ");
18            // output: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
19            Console.WriteLine();
20        }
21    }

Obviously, to code the print statement repetitively for 10 times is not a efficient use of time for a developer, not to mention the repetition could go for more than 10 times.

5.1.1. C# Iteration Statements

The C# language reference states that iteration statements include for, foreach, do, and while and that the iteration statements “repeatedly execute a statement or a block of statements”: [1]

  • The for statement [2] executes its body of an iteration statement while a specified Boolean expression evaluates to true.

  • The foreach statement enumerates the elements of a collection and executes its body for each element of the collection.

  • The do statement conditionally executes its body one or more times.

  • The while statement conditionally executes its body zero or more times.

As a solution to the preceding code repetition problem, a for loop can be used as below. Comparing the highlighted for statement with the, you can see the need for iteration. The syntax of the for loop statement will be explained in a later section.

 1using System;
 2namespace IntroCSCS
 4  internal class Chapter05
 5  {
 6      private static void Main(string[] args)
 7      {
 8          CountToThen();
 9      }
11      static void CountToThen()
12      {
13          for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i = i + 1)
14          {
15              Console.Write(i + " ");
16          }
17          // output: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
18          Console.WriteLine();
19      }
20  }

5.1.2. Iterator/Step

The iterator, also known as step, section can contain zero or more expressions, separated by commas. Commonly used iterators include:

  • prefix or postfix increment expression, such as ++i or i++

  • prefix or postfix decrement expression, such as –i or i–

  • assignment

The arithmetic unary operators (decrement operator -- and increment operator ++) are probably the most common ones used in for and while loops, especially the postfix increment operator. The result of a postfix increment operation is that it increments the value of the local loop variable (i) and still evaluates to the original value as before the operation and will update the value in next iteration. Namely, i++ will retain the old value in the body of the for statement until next next iteration.

For example, test this in csharprepl:

> int num = 3;
> num
> num++       // postfix expression, the value remains
> num         // i is evaluated again. Now it shows 4.

Observe the code below to compare the behavior of postfix and prefix operations and you will see the difference between the postfix expression and prefix expression:

 1static void PostfixIncrement()
 3   int i = 0;
 4   Console.WriteLine("int i == {0}", i);  // i == 0
 5   Console.WriteLine("i++ == {0}", i++);  // i++ == 0
 6   Console.WriteLine("i == {0}", i);      // i == 1
10   int j = 0;
11   Console.WriteLine("int j == {0}", j);  // j == 0
12   Console.WriteLine("++j == {0}", ++j);  // ++j == 1
13   Console.WriteLine("j == {0}", j);      // j == 1

When setting a “step, you may also use assignment statement (see Assignment Operators) to step, which give you more flexibility in stepping. For example, in csharprepl:

> int n = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
  for (var i = 0; i <= n; i += 10)

5.1.3. return, break, and continue

break, continue, return, and goto are the jump statements (see: Statements) in C# that transfer the control of code execution flow.

You can stop a loop in the middle with an if statement that leads to a choice with a return statement, which forces you to completely leave the current method block. Note that return breaks the current code execution and continue from where the method is called.

With the break statement, you exit/break out of the current loop. The break statement terminates the closest enclosing iteration statement (for, foreach, while, or do loop) or switch statement.

With the continue statement, you terminate the current loop and step to the next iteration. The continue statement stops the current execution flow and starts a new iteration of the closest enclosing iteration statement (for, foreach, while, or do loop).

5.1.4. Loop Planning Rubric

Looking ahead to more complicated and interesting problems, here is a list of questions to ask yourself when designing a method with a loop:

  1. Data & loop variables: What data is involved? Make sure you give good variable names.

  2. Initialization: What needs to be initialized and how? This certainly includes any variable tested in the condition.

  3. Condition: What is the condition that will allow the loop to continue? It may be easier to think of the condition that will stop the loop. That is fine - but remember to negate it (with !) to turn it into a proper continuation condition.

  4. Distinguish: What is the code that should only be executed once? What action do I want to repeat?

  5. Repetition: How do I write the repeating action so I can modify it for the next time through the loop to work with new data?

  6. Update: What code is needed to do modifications to make the same action code work the next time through the loop?

  7. Locale variables: Have I thought of variables needed in the middle and declared them; do other things need initialization?

  8. Condition again: Will the continuation condition eventually fail? Be sure to think about this!

  9. Structure: Separate the actions to be done once before the repetition (code before the loop) from repetitive actions (in the loop) and from actions not repeated, but done after the loop (code after the loop). Missing this distinction is a common error!

This is quite a sequence of steps. You should at least note a more basic split into two parts:

  1. Writing the code to make sure each desired iteration is reached (loop dynamics: initialized data for the test condition, the test condition itself, preparing for the next iteration)

  2. Doing the work for a specific item/iteration (mostly of the body of the loop)

You generally only need to concentrate on one of those at a time. If you set up how to reach all of the repetitions, giving names for the variables to be acted on, then you can separately just concentrate on dealing with the the action/code to deal with the current situation.
