6.6. Chapter Review

  • Note that the course policy is that you should not use generative AI without authorization. If you are suspected to have used generative AI and not able to explain/reproduce your work when requested, all your related assignments throughout the semester will be regraded as 0.

  • Prepare this assignment using a Word document.

  • Number and write answers under each question.

  • Paste code screenshots when required.

  1. When might you prefer a for loop in place of a while loop? What do you gain?

  2. When might you prefer a while loop or a foreach instead of a for loop?

  3. Describe in general when a foreach loop is going to be easier to use than a while loop.

  4. Each sentence below introduces a problem. What words/combinations suggest a loop/repetition?

    1. Square each number from 1 to n.

    2. Respond until the user says to stop.

    3. Repeat the process until the width is < .00001.

    4. Count the vowels in the sentence that you are given.

    5. See if there are any double letters in the word that you are given.

  5. Compare do-while and while loops: How do you think about which one to use?

  6. In general, what causes an infinite while loop?

  7. A while loop is generally terminated when the program evaluates the condition in its heading and it becomes false. How else can a program exit from a while loop?

  8. When inside a loop, a return statement should generally only appear as a sub-statement of what kind of statement?

  9. Which of these conditions is safer in general, with arbitrary string s and int i?

    s[i] != '#' && i >= 0 && i < s.Length
    i >= 0 && i < s.Length && s[i] != '#'
  10. What is printed?

    //          012345678901234567890
    string s = "Is coding cool? Yes!"
    string t = s.Substring(9, 8);
    Console.WriteLine(t.Replace(" ", "/"));
    Console.WriteLine(t.Trim().Replace(" ", "/"));
    int i = s.IndexOf("co"), j = s.IndexOf("co", i+1),
        k = s.IndexOf("co", j+1);
    Console.WriteLine(i + " " + j + " " + k);