14.1. Useful Resources
C# Tutorial at w3schools: VERY SHORT, VERY EASY TO FOLLOW.
Programming Basics with C# from softuni.org : lecturing-style short videos with some text guidelines. Easy to use. Get you started from the terminal, data types, and ends with methods, with loops and conditional in between.
C# in 100 Seconds by Fireship, my favorite tech channel. If you are really new to programming, you will hear a bunch of new terms. Don’t be discouraged; just move on to next video.
Learning C# Basics in 1 Hour, Mosh is clear. Give this video one hour. You have one hour.
If you have problems completing a one-hour long video as above, check this out: C# for Beginners, tutorial videos from Microsoft, all 19 of them short ones.
C# Tutorial for Beginners, from my hero Derek Banas. This course covers this semester of our course and more.
Is AI going to replace programmers? Is CS still worth it? (IST majors benefit from knowing how to code, but many do IS/IT/management rather than programming after graduation.)