8.1. One Dimensional Arrays
An array is a data structure
that contains a number of variables that are accessed
through computed indices. The variables contained in an array, also called the
of the array, are all of the same type, and this type is called the
element type
of the array. [1]
In C#, an array is a structure representing a fixed length ordered
collection of
values or objects with the same type. Arrays make it easier to organize and
operate on large amounts of data. For example, rather than creating 100 integer
variables, you can just create one array that stores all those integers and access
them using array indices. [2]
You have learned that a string is an immutable sequence
of characters and how to
loop through the sequence. Arrays provide more general sequences, with the
same indexing notation, but with free choice of the type
of the items in the
sequence, and the ability to change
the elements in the sequence.
8.1.1. Creating Arrays
A C# array variable
is declared similarly to a non-array variable, with the
addition of square brackets ([]
) after the type
specifier to denote it as an array.
So, the general form for declaring an array variable of the element type is:
For example, if you want to create an array called a
with the type int
for elements, you declare the array variable as:
int[] a;
In this declaration, you do not know how many elements will be in this array
from the preceding declaration. You must give further information to create the
corresponding array object
. A new object can be created using the new
syntax. An array must get a definite length, which can be a literal integer or
any integer expression. The general syntax to create a new array is
After the type, there are square brackets enclosing an expression for the length of the array - this length is unchangeable after creation. For example
int[] a;
a = new int[4];
or, you may combine with the declaration,
int[] a = new int[4];
to creates an array that holds 4 integers. After specifying the number of the elements of the array, the default initial values are also assigned. For example, numerical arrays get initialized to all 0’s (false for boolean, the character with Unicode number zero for char, and null for objects and string) with this syntax by default, so when you loop through the array variable:
> foreach (int i in a)
An array initializer consists of a sequence of variable initializers,
enclosed by “{
” and “}
” tokens and separated by “,
” tokens.
An array initializer can be used in a variable declaration:
int[] a = {0, 2, 4, 6, 8};
which is a shorthand for the equivalent array creation expression
int[] a = new int[] {0, 2, 4, 6, 8};
Note that the actual data for an array is not stored directly in the memory location
allocated by the declaration. The array could have any number of items, and hence
the memory requirements are not known at compile time. Like all other object
(as opposed to primitive) types, what is actually stored at the memory location declared
for a
is a reference to the actual place where the data for the array is stored.
In actual compiler implementation, this reference is an address in memory. In the diagram
below, you see the object references with an arrow pointing to the actual location
for the object’s data after a
is initialized:
The small box beside a
is meant to indicate the memory space allocated when a
declared. As you can see that space does not actually contain the array, but rather a
reference to the array, pointing to the actual sequence of data for the array.
Also, in the diagram you see the indices associated with each element, though they
are not actual a part of what is stored in memory.
8.1.2. Accessing Array Elements
The elements inside an array can to referenced with the same index notation used earlier for strings.
refers to the element at index 2 (third element because of 0 based indexing).
Unlike with strings, this element can not only be read, but also be assigned to:
a[0] = 7;
a[1] = 5;
a[2] = 9;
a[3] = 6;
These four assignment statements would replace the original 0 values for each element in the array.
This is a verbose way to specify all array values. An array with the same final data could be created with the single declaration:
int[] b = {7, 5, 9, 6};
The list in braces ONLY is allowed as an initialization of a variable in a declaration, not in a later assignment statement. Technically it is an initializer, not an array literal.
Individual array elements can both be used in expressions, and be assigned to. Continuing with the earlier example code:
a[2] = 4*a[1] - a[3];
now equals 4*5 - 6 = 14.
Arrays, like strings, have a Length
Console.WriteLine(b.Length); // prints 4
just like with strings. In practice array elements are almost always referred
to with an index variable. A very common pattern is to deal with each element
in sequence, and the syntax is the same as for a string. Print all elements
of array b
for (int i= 0; i < b.Length, i++) {
The foreach
syntax would be:
foreach ( int x in b) {
while the while
loop syntax would be:
> int[] a = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
> int i = 0;
> while ( i < a.Length){
In the foreach
loop, the int
type for x
matches the element type of the array b
The shorter foreach
syntax is not as general as the for
For example, to print only the first 3 elements of b:
for(int i= 0; i < 3; i++) {
but the foreach
syntax would not work, since it must process all elements.
Also, you may use the for
syntax to assign new values to the array elements,
rather than just use the values in expressions:
for(int i= 0; i < b.Length; i++) {
b[i] = 5*i;
Now the array b
of our earlier examples (of length 4) would now contain 0, 5,
10, and 15.
There is no analog of changing the value of b[i]
with a
loop. To change values in an array, we must
assign to each location in the array by index.
A foreach
loop only provides the value of each sequence element
for us to read.
We have had the array indices so far be given by a single symbol,
which is the most common case in practice, but in fact what appears
inside the square braces can be any int
Like parentheses, square brackets delimit
the inside expression, which gets evaluated first, before the array value is
looked up. Consider this csharprepl sequence:
> int[] a = {5, 9, 15, -4};
> int i = 2;
> a[i];
This should be clear. Now think first, what should a[i+1]
> a[i+1];
In steps: a[i+1]
is a[2+1]
is a[3]
is -4. Be careful,
is NOT a[i] + 1
(which would be 16).
The code above to print each element of an array performs a
unified and possibly useful operation, so it would make sense to
encapsulate it into a function. A function can take any type as a
parameter, so an array type is perfectly reasonable! Above we
printed each element of an array of integers. This time let’s choose strings,
so the formal parameter is an array of strings: string[]
1/// Print the strings in data, one per line.
2public static void PrintStrings(string[] data)
4 foreach( string s in data) {
5 Console.WriteLine(s);
6 }
With this definition, the code fragment
string[] hamlet = {"To be", "or not", "to be!"};
would print:
To be
or not
to be!
Here we are just reading the data from the array parameter. We will see that there are more wrinkles to array parameters in References and Aliases.
An array type can also be returned like any other type. Examine the function definition:
/// Return an array with string data obtained from the user.
/// The length of the array and the number of entries to
/// prompt the user for is n.
public static string[] InputNStrings(int n)
string[] lines = new string[n];
Console.WriteLine ("Enter {0} string(s).", n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
lines[i] = UI.PromptLine("next string: ");
return lines;
This code follows a standard pattern for functions returning an array:
In order to return an array, we must first create a new array with the
syntax. We must set the proper length (n
here).And we are not done with one line of creation: Since the array has multiple parts, we need a loop to assign all the values. We have a simple
loop to assign to each element in turn.Finally we must return the array that we created!
8.1.3. Parameters to Main
The Main
method may take an array of strings as parameter, as in example
/// Demonstrate the use of command line parameters.
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("There are {0} command line parameters.", args.Length);
foreach(string s in args) {
By convention, the formal parameter for Main
is called args
short for arguments.
Compile (dotnet build
) and run (dotnet run
) the program from the command line.
Run it with some things at the end of the line in macOS
[username]@[computer]:~/workspace/introcscs/Ch08Arrays$ dotnet run hi there 123
or in Windows
PS C:\Users\[username]\workspace\introcscs\Ch08Arrays> dotnet run hi there 123
and it should print for you:
There are 3 command line parameters.
See what quoted strings do. Use command line parameters (with the quotes)
"hi there" 123
. This should print for you:
There are 2 command line parameters.
hi there
123 Command Line Adder
A code block in the Main method of your project that calculates and prints the sum of three command line parameters taken from user input:
2 5 22
then the program prints 29.
The code could look like this:
////////// args array from command line.
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
sum = sum + int.Parse(args[i]);
Here we are using the arg
array directly just like the preceding section.
To run the code this time, go down to your project’s bin/Debug/net8.0 directory
from the command line, and run ls
. You will find the executables (the .dll
or .exe
files) that you can execute. In Windows
, it should look like:
PS C:\Users\[username]\workspace\introcscs\Ch08Arrays\bin\Debug\net8.0> Ch08Arrays.exe 2 5 22
and you will see the output. You can also run the project by issuing:
PS C:\Users\[username]\workspace\introcscs\Ch08Arrays> dotnet run 2 5 22
as before to see the same output. In earlier version of macOS
, you run this
with dotnet run
in your project folder at command line with the arguments:
[username]@[computer]:~/workspace/introcscs/Ch08Arrays$ dotnet run 2 5 22
or in more current versions of macOS
[username]@[computer]:~/workspace/introcscs/Ch08Arrays/bin/Debug/net8.0$ dotnet Ch08Arrays.dll 2 5 22
and you will see the output of the sum of the integers.
Just like the preceding section, this shows that the string[] args
in the Main method is a string array
taking its
elements from the command line when the project is executed in the command line with arguments provided.
Also, this code execution shows us the location of the executable files in the project.
8.1.4. References and Aliases
Object variables, like arrays, are references, and this has important implications for assignment.
With a primitive type like an int
, an assignment copies the data:
In the diagram, the contents of the memory box labeled b
is copied to the
memory box labeled d
. The value of d
starts off equal to the value of b
but can later be changed independently.
Contrast an assignment with arrays. The value that is copied is the reference, not the array data itself, so both end up pointing at the same actual array:
Hereafter, array assignments like:
b[2] = -10;
d[1] = 55;
would both change the same array. Now b
and d
are essentially
names for the same thing (the actual array). The technical term matches English:
The names are aliases.
This may seem like a pretty silly discussion. Why bother to give two different names to the same object? Isn’t one enough? In fact it is very important in function/method calls. An array reference can be passed as an actual value, and it is the array reference that is copied to the formal parameter, so the formal parameter name is an alias for the actual parameter name.
If an array passed as a parameter to a method has elements changed in the method, then the change affects the actual parameter array. The change remains in the actual parameter array after the method has terminated.
For example, consider the following function:
// Modify a by multiplying all elements by multiplier.
static void Scale(int[] a, int multiplier)
for (int i = 0; i < a.Length; i++) {
a[i] *= multiplier; // or: a[i] = a[i] * multiplier
The fragment:
int[] nums = {2, 4, 1};
Scale(nums, 5);
would change nums, so it ends up containing elements 10, 20, and 5.
8.1.5. Default Initializations
Did you notice that when the first example array of integers was created, it was filled with zeros? It is a safety feature of C# that the internal fields of objects always get a specific value, not random data. Here are the defaults:
Type |
Value |
primitive numeric types |
0 |
bool |
false |
all object types |
null |
An array with elements of object type, like string[]
without a specific initializer,
gets initialized to all null
values. The creation is totally
legal, but if you try to use the created value, like
string[] words = new string[10];
Console.WriteLine(words[0].Length); // run time error here
The error is because null
is not an object - it does not have a Length
property. If, for example,
you want an array of empty strings you would need to initialize it with
a loop:
string[] words = new string[10];
for (int i = 0; i < words.Length; i++) {
words[i] = "";
8.1.6. LINQ Methods
Language-Integrated Query (LINQ) is the name for a set of technologies based on the integration of query capabilities directly into the C# language.
All the arrays in C# are derived from an abstract base class System.Array.
The Array class implements the IEnumerable interface
, so you can LINQ
extension methods such as Max( ), Min( ), Sum( ), reverse( ), etc on arrays:
int[] nums = new int[5]{ 10, 15, 16, 8, 6 };
nums.Max(); // returns 16
nums.Min(); // returns 6
nums.Sum(); // returns 55
nums.Average(); // returns 55